Create a memory game with JavaScript

Create a memory game with JavaScript

The memory game is a pretty interesting game, and has been around for a while. You are given a set of cards containing images which are turned to the back, when you click on an image, it flips over and reveals the image. If you click on two images that are exactly the same, that is a win for you.

I would like to walk you through how to build a memory game using plain HTML, CSS and JavaScript. Here is what we will be doing :

Setting up the basic HTML and CSS

The HTML and CSS for this project is pretty simply. We are creating the skeleton which will house data from the JS.


<div class="container">
<div class="data">
<div class="score">Score : <span class="scoreBoard">0</span></div>
<div class="click">Click : <span class="clickBoard">0</span></div>
<div class="grid">
<div class="popup">
<button class="playAgain">play Again</button>

From above, we have a div with a class score and click that will be populated via JS, a grid class that will house the images which is the game board and a popup class with a button to easily renew the game.


.grid { 
width: 90%; 
height: 300px; 
display: flex; 
flex-wrap: wrap; 
margin: 60px auto; 

.grid img { 
margin: 2px; 
transform-style: preserve-3d; 
transition: transform 0.5s; 

.grid img.flip { 
transform: rotateY(180deg); 

.popup { 
background: red; 
width: 200px; 
height: 200px; 
position: fixed; 
top: 100px;
left: 100px; 
display: flex;
justify-content: center; 
align-items: center; 
flex-direction: column;

.data { 
display: flex; 
justify-content: space-between; 
padding: 20px 30px; 
font-size: 23px; 

.data span { 
color: rgb(206, 121, 11);
font-size: 30px; 

From here, we are setting up the grid (gameboard) and the grid img styling. The grid img has the transform-style and the transition property which allows the card to flip when the flip class is added to it(i.e via JS) and the popup is styled as a fixed div.

Defining the variables and data in JS

Most of the heavy lifting of this game will be carried out in the JS file, the board will be populated etc

let cardArray = [ 
{ name: "fries", img: "fries.png", }, 
{ name: "fries", img: "fries.png", },
{ name: "pizza", img: "pizza.png", },
{ name: "pizza", img: "pizza.png", }, 
{ name: "milkshake", img: "milkshake.png", },
{ name: "milkshake", img: "milkshake.png", }, 
{ name: "ice-cream", img: "ice-cream.png", },
{ name: "ice-cream", img: "ice-cream.png", },
{ name: "hotdog", img: "hotdog.png", },
{ name: "hotdog", img: "hotdog.png", },
{ name: "cheeseburger", img: "cheeseburger.png", },
{ name: "cheeseburger", img: "cheeseburger.png", }, 

//define variables and get DOM element

let grid = document.querySelector(".grid"); 
let scoreBoard = document.querySelector(".scoreBoard"); 
let popup = document.querySelector(".popup"); 
let playAgain = document.querySelector(".playAgain"); 
let clickBoard = document.querySelector(".clickBoard"); 
let imgs; 
let cardsId = []; 
let cardsSelected = []; 
let cardsWon = 0; 
let clicks = 0;

So we have a cardArray, which is just a list of objects containing images and their names. The names will be used when we want to compare two images that were clicked. You will notice each object is actually double, and that is because you will be trying to compare two images on the board. The grid, scoreboard, popup, playAgain and clickBoard are elements from the HTML that we are getting into the JS and will inject data into them. imgs is a variable that we will initialize from here and will hold the images created, cardsId and cardsSelected are arrays that will contain the cards clicked on. While cardsWon and clicks will record the wins and no of clicks respectively

Setting up the board on DOM load in JS

This will be done with an eventListener called DOMContentLoaded, which will be added to the document itself. The eventListener works immediately the DOM loads (hence the name). This eventListener will house some functions that will start the game

document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function () {
//define functions 

createBoard(grid, cardArray); 
playAgain.addEventListener("click", replay); 

//add a click function for images 

imgs = document.querySelectorAll("img");
Array.from(imgs).forEach(img => 
img.addEventListener("click", flipCard)

I called a function here (createBoard) that will create the board with the images and all, I scattered the images for difficulty (arrangeCard), and I added an eventListener for each image to watch out for clicks (flipCard)

//createBoard function

function createBoard(grid, array) { = "none"; 
array.forEach((arr, index) => { 
let img = document.createElement("img"); 
img.setAttribute("src", "blank.png");
img.setAttribute("data-id", index); 

// arrangeCard function

function arrangeCard() { 
cardArray.sort(() => 0.5 - Math.random())

// flip Card function

function flipCard() { 
let selected =;
this.setAttribute("src", cardArray[selected].img); 
if (cardsId.length === 2) { 
setTimeout(checkForMatch, 500);

The createBoard function removes the popup, loops over the image array with forEach, this receives two arguments. Each object in the array and the index(optional) which is the position of that object in the array and starts from zero. For each object, simply create an image element, set the src attribute to display the image and add a data attribute (data attribute are simply objects that holds values in the html5 which you can use in JS via dataset). The value of the id will be the index i.e from 0 etc. The flipCard function looks out for click. Once an image is clicked, it gets the id (remember the attribute we set above data-id, we can access it via or if it was data-name it would be The this keyword basically tells it to select the image that was clicked. So we get the id of the image clicked to a variable selected, we then use this variable to get the object clicked and then push the name property of that object into the cardsSelected array. The id of the image clicked will also be pushed into the cardsId array. We add a class of flip to the img clicked to create a sort of flipping effect and then change the image to reveal the image beneath. This process will be repeated when the second image is clicked and then we will check to see if they are the same image

Check if the cards clicked is correct

Once two images has been clicked, we wait for about .5s (to give a nice user experience ), and then we call the checkForMatch function

// checkForMatch function

function checkForMatch() { 
let imgs = document.querySelectorAll("img"); 
let firstCard = cardsId[0];
let secondCard = cardsId[1];
if (cardsSelected[0] === cardsSelected[1] && firstCard !== secondCard) { 
alert("you have found a match"); 
cardsWon += 1; 
scoreBoard.innerHTML = cardsWon; 
} else { 
imgs[firstCard].setAttribute("src", "blank.png");
imgs[secondCard].setAttribute("src", "blank.png"); alert("wrong, please try again"); imgs[firstCard].classList.remove("flip"); imgs[secondCard].classList.remove("flip"); 
cardsSelected = []; 
cardsId = []; 
clicks += 1; 
clickBoard.innerHTML = clicks; 

function checkWon() {
if (cardsWon == cardArray.length / 2) {
alert("You won") 
setTimeout(()=> = "flex" ,300); 

The checkForMatch function first gets all the images on the board, then gets the Ids of the images clicked from the "cardsId" array ( This will allow us easily get access to their object). We will then checked if the first value in cardsArray is equal to the second and if it is not the same image that was clicked twice. If the images are the same we tell the person they got it and adds to the number of cardsWon, and then check if all the cards have been selected with the gameWon function. If the images are not the same (else), we simply remove the flip Class and change the image back. After the if/else statement, we want to clear the arrays for the next time the user clicks on an image and add to the number of clicks The checkWon function simply check if the value of cardsWon is equal to the length of the card divided by 2. If it is tell the person the game is over and display the popup replay button

Restart the game

The restart game function is a simply function that clears the game board and scoreboard and prepares for another game. This is the replay function.

// The replay function

function replay() { 
grid.innerHTML = "";
createBoard(grid, cardArray);
cardsWon = 0;
clicks = 0; 
clickBoard.innerHTML = 0; 
scoreBoard.innerHTML = 0; = "none"; 

It basically arranges the cardsArray again, empties the gameBoard (grid), create a new board and resets the scores.

And that is how you create a memory game. Here is a codepen link for the finished project. Like the popular saying in programming, there is a thousand ways to do one thing, so please try creating your memory game and if your method is different let me know in the comments.

Thank you

You can follow me on twitter @fakoredeDami